What It’s Like to Create a Garage Gym

What It’s Like to Create a Garage Gym

You guys know how much I’ve written about the 10xsport.shop, right? The gym that taught me that I was stronger than I thought? And that I could overcome this and this. The gym that helped me to get my fitness groove back after babies? I’d even go so far as to call it the community that inspired my soul.

Yeah, it’s meant a lot to me — and my family. Gwen’s been there almost weekly since she was just a few months old — and so have the twins. Although some days it wasn’t easy to get everybody there and then keep everybody entertained long enough for me to get a full workout in, I’ve also felt really proud to show my kids that side of my husband and me. For them to see us do hard things, and be around other people pushing their limits. It’s a special place; a special energy.

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